Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

....just a little something.....

It's quit busy right now, so I thought I load up some stuff I work on....stay tuned ya know :-D

"lady long legs..."

"lady long legs"close up

silence is silver

Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011's winter time

..for the start just some phtos I took the other day


...for the rest of the winter session check my flickr stream...

INTRO.......or whatever a start might be called....

....hey you?!
yeahh you?!.....
you know what all this is........

It's my new blog where I post all kinds of creative works made by friends or myself. So Clyde 24/7 is a creative base where all kinds of ideas are represented......
Enough talking, just check in once in a while and you might find some interesting stuff.......